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CRUD Operations In Azure Cosmos DB Using ASP.NET Core Web APIIn this article, we will learn how to insert, read, update, and delete records in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API using the ASP.NET Core Web API. Let's learn step by step.
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Compilemode Online Tutorials IoT, Microsoft Azure, AWS, ASP.NET CoAzure Cosmos DB can understand and work with many conditions and queries. For instance, if you are using the SQL API, you can use SQL queries to ask questions about your data. So, you could ask, Can you show me all the
Authentication using cookie for frontend application in ASP.NET Core wIn earlier days, there was no separation between the front end and back end, and these applications were treated as one. The authentication and authorization in web API can be done using cookies in the same way for a nor
.NET Core MVC Training | .NET Core Training | .NET Core Web API - InstLive Instructor Led real time oriented training on .NET Core. Those who have knowledge on C# can opt this training to gain real time oriented knowledge.
How to use Azure Cosmos DB Locally for DevelopmentIn this article, we will learn how to use the Azure Cosmos DB for local development without consuming cloud resources with a CRUD operation example. This method reduces the cost of testing numerous scenarios during devel
Visual Studio Archives - HowToSolutionsKnowing JavaScript is more or less required when working with front-end web development. One way to learn JavaScript is to start with a simple web project containing an HTML page that uses JavaScript. So, the next questi
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